Speaker Details

Magda Stożek

Magda is a senior Scala developer at SoftwareMill. She's a fan of strongly-typed languages and enjoys trying to find "the right way" of doing things.

Being a passionate foreign languages learner, she wanted to become a translator. The nuances of interpretation help her today in translating the clients' and users' needs into code. She loves solving real-life problems, and creating features that bring value.

Magda is an active contributor to SoftwareMill's organization and its unique culture.

Being a leader of Zielona Góra JUG, she's also a frequent speaker at meetups and conferences.

In her free time, she enjoys biking, gardening, and reading long books.

Don't ask what you can do for your testing library, ask what it can do for you! So what can it do? It turns out that much more than displaying a nice green and red report. What if we make the library generate the test data? And while we're at it, maybe it could also think of the edge cases for which our code is wrong? Oh, and when it finds them, it should simplify them a bit before returning to us, so that we can quickly identify the root cause of the problem. And repeat that a thousand times, just to be sure. Sounds good? That's exactly what property-based testing has to offer. I'll show how to get started with this kind of testing, using jqwik (https://jqwik.net/) as an example. But isn't it all too good to be true, surely there's some fine print? Of course there is. I'll cover that as well.