Speaker Details

Frédéric Camblor

Retired Bordeaux JUG leader and co-creator of the BDX I/O conference in 2014, Frédéric enjoys mixing with different tech communities and learning new things.

Web developer at 4SH by day, and OSS commiter by night, he has created/contributed to some more or less well known projects: Voxxrin app, Vitemadose frontend during COVID Pandemic, Devoxx France CFP, RestX framework, as well as some (old) Jenkins plugins.

As a big fan of strong typing, he loves Typescript, but also like doing all kinds of stuff in Google Spreadsheets.

Join us for an enlightening session where we'll peel back the layers of the Devoxx mobile app, an open-source Progressive Web App (PWA) built on the Voxxrin codebase. Powered by Vue and fortified with Firebase for seamless storage and offline capabilities, this app is a robust example of modern web technology. During this talk, not only will we delve into the technical intricacies of its architecture, but we'll also guide you on how you can become an active contributor. Get the inside scoop on the codebase, discover how to make effective pull requests, and learn how you can help evolve the project further. Whether you're a seasoned developer or a curious newbie, there's something for everyone in this deep dive into the world of PWAs and open source collaboration.