
OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect are critical security protocols in the contemporary web, governing how users are authenticated and how their data is accessed. However, understanding these protocols and applying them securely is often challenging, even for experienced developers. Misconfigurations and suboptimal implementations can lead to significant security risks, making a comprehensive understanding of these protocols vital for ensuring the security of web-based applications.
In this session, we delve into the intricacies of OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect, from their foundational principles to advanced usage in client-side web applications. We will explore the practical aspects of these protocols, discussing how they function, their potential vulnerabilities, and the best practices for their secure implementation. The session aims to equip you with a fundamental understanding of OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect. By the end of this session, you should be able to effectively use these protocols in your applications, and confidently make informed decisions when it comes to securing user data and authentication processes.
Philippe De Ryck
Pragmatic Web Security
Philippe De Ryck helps developers protect companies through better web security. His Ph.D. in web security from KU Leuven lies at the basis of his exceptional knowledge of the security landscape. As the founder of Pragmatic Web Security, Philippe delivers security training and security consulting to companies worldwide. His online course platform allows anyone to learn complex security topics at their own pace. Philippe is a Google Developer Expert and an Auth0 Ambassador for his community contributions on the security of web applications and APIs.