Speaker Details

Vinicius Senger
Amazon Web Services

Vinicius Senger is a developer, inventor, and technical speaker working for AWS in California in the Global Specialist Team as a Senior Developer Advocate for Java. He started developing software at just 8 years old and never stopped accumulating 30 years of work in the IT area. Founder of Globalcode and The Developers Conference, Vinicius was considered top 20 influencer in IoT development, Java Champion winning two Duke's Choice Award in California for innovation projects in automation, robotics, boats, houses, helmets and many others. Since 2017 at AWS, he has been working with Java, IoT, Serverless, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and traveling around the world promoting open-source technologies and AWS services.

During this workshop we will teach how to create Roblox games integrated with a Java / Quarkus backend to manage teams, quiz, coding challenges and also cool integrations with IoT sensors, musical instruments using Fast Fourier Transform with Java / Processing.org and also camera with AI to detect objects in the real players.
We will explain the basics of Roblox development and show detailed architecture and challenges we have integrating Roblox with AWS Cloud. All the code is available to anyone that want to create your own game, demos for booths and amazing integration between virtual world and real world and vice-versa.
All the participant will create:
  • A Roblox game with quiz and coding challenge
  • A Quarkus backend to manage quiz / teams / other data in a noSQL database
  • Deployment backend in AWS Lambda with AWS DynamoDB and Amazon Codewhisperer
  • Optional: Test FFT integration with processing.org
  • Optional: use camera with AI to recognize objects in real players (if the player is wearing a hat, then the avatar inside the game wear a hat)
  • AWS Temporary Accounts will be provided - "all you can eat" accounts for 12 hours.