Speaker Details

sean li

Sean Li is a Product Manager from the Spring on Azure team, where he specializes in enabling Spring integrations with Azure services and shaping the product vision for Azure Spring Cloud. Azure Spring Cloud is a fully managed application platform tailor-made for running Spring applications on Azure, and Sean has played a key role in its development. Prior to his work with Spring, Sean helped drive feature definition and customer engagement for both Azure Blockchain services and Azure Database for MySQL.

Developing a standalone Spring Boot application is a fairly straightforward endeavor. But building a scalable Spring Boot-based service that can be deployed to a production environment and integrated seamlessly into a robust and resilient distributed system is an entirely different story! To accomplish great things, one must build with an inherently scalable architecture in mind from the very beginning.
In this workshop, attendees will learn how to create a Spring Boot application and deploy it to a Kubernetes cloud environment that provides production configuration, gateway, and monitoring capabilities, along with service discovery, circuit breakers, and more. Attendees will learn how to integrate with other bespoke services and configure them to automatically scale to accommodate constantly changing demand. Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, and Azure Spring Apps will be used in the exercises, but the principles shared in this workshop can be applied to any cloud environment.
Come to this workshop to learn how to take your Spring production plans to the next level!