Speaker Details

Thomas Wuerthinger

Thomas Wuerthinger is a Vice President at Oracle Labs and the GraalVM founder and project lead. Previously, he worked on the Crankshaft optimizing compiler of V8 at Google, and the Maxine research virtual machine at Sun Microsystems. He received a PhD degree from JKU Linz for his research about dynamic code evolution.

Ahead-of-time compilation with GraalVM Native Image is becoming more and more popular thanks to integrated support from all the leading application frameworks. Deployment in containers and on cloud, where reducing resource requirements is key to keeping costs down, is also driving adoption. On this panel we’ll bring together key members of the GraalVM, Spring Boot, Micronaut, Quarkus, and Helidon teams to dig into the state of native compilation, how frameworks have integrated it, remaining challenges, and where it goes from here.
Come to this session to discuss with the GraalVM team and community the current state of the project and where it's heading in the future. We want to hear from you about how we can improve it: how you're using it now and what's your experience is like, which features and platforms would be good to have, which tools and integrations are still missing, what else we can do to make it more beneficial for you.