Speaker Details

Fabio Niephaus
Oracle Labs

Fabio Niephaus is a researcher on the GraalVM project at Oracle Labs and focuses on the developer experience and tools for GraalVM. His research interests include developer tools, programming languages, and virtual machines.

In the past few years GraalVM got widely adopted in the Java ecosystem, and now it's hard to imagine starting a new project, especially for the cloud, without at least considering going native. However, taking a new technology to production requires research and preparation. What is the best way to build and deploy such native executables? Once deployed, how can I monitor them? Can I test them as I do with regular Java applications? What if startup is less important, how do I optimize for peak performance and latency? How do I use frameworks and libraries?
This deep dive will cover all these topics and include examples for each. We'll also reserve plenty of time for questions – bring them all!
Come to this session to discuss with the GraalVM team and community the current state of the project and where it's heading in the future. We want to hear from you about how we can improve it: how you're using it now and what's your experience is like, which features and platforms would be good to have, which tools and integrations are still missing, what else we can do to make it more beneficial for you.