Speaker Details

Antoine Sabot-Durand

Antoine is a Java Champion and the former spec lead of Jakarta EE CDI. He was part of the Quarkus launch team at Red Hat and worked on major MicroProfile specs such as Fault Tolerance or Health Check. Today, Antoine is an architect and technical expert at SCIAM. He manages complex projects using largely the technologies he helped develop.

Imagine a distributed memory database that in addition to the basic key/value storage gives you SQL engine, a proxy to your classic db to cache data, a small message broker, a computation tool for ML model, memory to disk persistence and a lot more ! You have the beginning of the amazing Apache Ignite features list.
Mix this powerful tool with Quarkus, the nextgen microservices framework and you’ll obtain a unique combination to interact with your data.
In this lab, we’ll show you how to get started with Ignite in a Quarkus environment. After having setup your ignite cluster, you’ll create a bunch of microservices to exploit Ignite powerful distributed computation.
The only requirement for this lab is an IDE, Java 17+ and Maven 3.9+