Speaker Details

Trustin Lee

Trustin Lee is a software engineer who is often known as the founder of Netty project, the most popular asynchronous networking framework in JVM ecosystem. He enjoys designing frameworks and libraries which yield the best experience to developers. At LINE+ corporation, the company behind "LINE" the top mobile messenger in Japan, Taiwan and Thailand, he builds various open-source software, such as a microservice framework Armeria and a distributed configuration repository Central Dogma, to facilitate the adoption of microservice architecture.

In the era of microservices, gRPC has emerged as a popular choice for building efficient and robust APIs. But how can we leverage its full potential by seamlessly integrating with other technologies? Enter Armeria - a Java-based microservices framework that amplifies gRPC with a plethora of advanced features. This session provides a comprehensive exploration of gRPC and Armeria, ultimately enhancing your microservices development with a versatile, effective, and robust toolkit. We will explore Armeria's service discovery to ensure smooth communication between components, its metrics for monitoring performance in real-time, distributed tracing for end-to-end visibility into your systems, and highly customizable retry and circuit breaker policies. To elevate your gRPC experience further, we will also delve into Armeria's web-based gRPC documentation generation, which eases collaboration and development across teams, as well as its flexibility to integrate a multitude of technologies, from REST to GraphQL and WebSockets.