
[Almost] nobody likes writing documentation, and same for the changelogs! So, can we automate them and improve both user and developer experiences? Of course!
We will review the Release Drafter - a handy changelog automation tool for those who use GitHub or GitHub Enterprise. It can be used as a GitHub Action and can easily generate changelog drafts, using pull requests and labels as a foundation. Many advanced features are included, e.g. text formatting and substitutions, semantic versioning support, and management at the organization level. So let’s take this tool and configure it for a project together! During the presentation we will also review examples from WireMock, Jenkins and other open source communities. Those examples just need copy and paste.
Oleg Nenashev
WireMock Inc
Oleg is a developer tools hacker, community builder and consultant currently working on WireMock and WireMock Cloud ecosystems. He's passionate open source software and open hardware advocate. Oleg is a core maintainer and board member in the Jenkins project where he writes code, mentors contributors and organizes community events. He is a TOC member in the Continuous Delivery Foundation, and also a CDF and CNCF ambassador. Oleg has a PhD degree in electronics design and volunteers in the Free and Open Source Silicon Foundation.