Speaker Details

Trisha Gee

Trisha is a software engineer, Java Champion and author. Trisha has developed Java applications for a range of industries of all sizes, including finance, manufacturing and non-profit, and she's a lead developer advocate at Gradle. She has expertise in Java high-performance systems and dabbles with Open Source development.

Trisha’s exceptionally passionate about sharing things that help real developers. That might be: getting them up to speed on the latest version of Java; teaching them tips and tricks to improve their productivity; or promoting healthy technical communities across the globe. Trisha values helping all developers level up their career and skills at every step of their journey.

Read more from Trisha in the books “Head First Java”, “Getting to Know IntelliJ IDEA”, “97 Things Every Java Developer Should Know” and “What to Look for in a Code Review”.

As developers, we often encounter unexpected challenges and roadblocks that can derail our productivity and cause immense stress. In this session, I will share some of my experiences of the horrible productivity issues I have faced and invite you to do the same.
Topics may include:
  • Bosses & teams that fail to onboard developers
  • Environments that are impossible to set up
  • Flaky tests and unreliable toolchains that hide real problems
  • Practices that lead to burnout
I may also offer suggestions on how to overcome these problems now that I have more experience, but I’m interested in hearing from you. What’s your advice? What are your stories? What’s common across the industry that blocks developer productivity?
Whether you are just starting your career or have been in the field for years, this session will offer lessons on navigating and surviving these difficult experiences, or at least give you a safe space to rant.
If you run a development team, you’ll learn what ridiculous things your developers will sometimes put up with and why they’re not delivering what you expect.
Testing is a Good Thing, right? Especially automated testing. But "Good things come to those who wait" is not something that's going to appeal to the busy developer. You want results, and you want them now. You're in The Zone working on a problem, and the last thing you want is to break your flow wrestling with your testing framework or waiting for the tests to finish running.
More code means more tests. More coverage means more tests. More tests mean more time. Time that you want to spend being productive, creative, innovative. How can you balance the need for quality with the need for speed?
In this talk, Trisha will identify issues that slow down developers when writing, running and debugging tests, and look at tools that can help developers with each of these problems. There will be live coding, analysis of social media poll results, an overview of solutions in this space, "best practice" recommendations, and machine learning will be mentioned at some point.