Speaker Details

Paul Anderson
Anderson Software Group, Inc.

Paul L. Anderson is a Java Champion, Oracle Ace Member, and a past member of the NetBeans Dream Team. He is the Director of Training and co-founder of the Anderson Software Group, a leading provider of training courses in Java, JavaFX, Python, Go, Modern C++, and Docker and Kubernetes. He is also the co-author of nine textbooks on software programming, including the “The Definitive Guide to Modern Java Clients with JavaFX 17”, Second Edition.

Paul has conducted Technical Sessions and Hands-on Labs at Oracle Code One and JavaOne conferences in the USA, Europe, Asia, and Latin America. Paul has also presented sessions at Devoxx, Devnexus, and JChampions Conferences.

For more information about Paul, visit asgteach.com, the Anderson Software Group on Facebook, and @paul_asgteach on Twitter.

Wordle is a popular online game where you have up to six tries to guess a hidden five-letter word. By combining the power of the JavaFX UI toolkit with the latest Java Development Kit features, we show how to implement a client-side version for desktop and for mobile devices using GraalVM to generate native Java images for IOS and Android.
Learn how to create the main UI layout with Scene Builder and use specialized UI controls with pseudo-classes for CSS styling. Understand JavaFX property binding to control UI state, use JavaFX animation, and summarize the game results with JavaFX charts. We'll also use modern Java including lambdas, streams, method references, records, and enhanced switch expressions.