Speaker Details

Geoffrey De Smet

Geoffrey De Smet is the creator of OptaPlanner and cofounder of Timefold, the open source AI planning solver for Java that is used across the globe to optimally solve employee scheduling, vehicle routing, maintenance scheduling and other planning problems. He's an international speaker and a frequent open source contributor.

Optimize the world for fun and profit
Deep Dive (INTERMEDIATE level)
Optimizing resource use is key for the continued survival of the human species. From reducing consumption of fossil fuels, to packing your week at Devoxx as much as possible, optimization problems are everywhere. In this deep dive, you’ll learn how to solve them with AI in Java.
Optimization is hard. Really hard. All the computing power in the world won’t save you. You’ll have to work smarter, not harder. And we'll demonstrate that using Timefold, an Apache-licensed Open Source solver.
There will be live coding, there will be benchmarks, there will be science, and we can guarantee you will learn something new.
Come join us, as we dive into the world of optimization!