Speaker Details


As an agile coach and co-creator of TADx, I covered miles of development lines, functional analyses and data-oriented architectures before returning to my first love: teamwork, in a motivating and caring environment, around useful and lively products.  

So it was quite naturally that my latest assignments turned to agility. Since then, I've been gleaning the best from the teams I work with on a daily basis: the DevOps and craftership mindset, tools for quality and deployment, design thinking techniques to capture real needs and the continuous improvement of products and teams.

We talk about performance instead of talking about efficiency.We talk about ROI instead of continuous improvement. We emphasize monitoring over support and reporting over team protection. But give us back our agility!
Let us remember that agility was thought by and for developers, eager to create useful services that are used, in a rewarding way, in varying and variable contexts.
Let's reclaim our power as Super Agile teams!
Through scenes from our "choose-your-own-adventure book" 📖, we will see how each actor, whether Manager, Cross-functional Pilot, Agile Coach or Client, can help give us back the real keys 🔑 of your agility.