Speaker Details

Dimitris Andreadis
Red Hat

Dimitris has 25 years of experience in IT and he is currently Director of Engineering at Red Hat in charge of the Cloud Native Runtimes group that includes Quarkus, Vert.x, SpringBoot, Node.js, as well as his former WildFly / JBoss Enterprise Application Server teams that he used to run for several years. He also served as the JBoss AS project lead and he has been a JBoss addict and contributor from the early start-up days. He worked previously at Intracom and Motorola in the areas of NMS/OSS, designing reusable frameworks and distributed systems. Dimitris studied computer science at the Technological Educational Institute of Athens and received an M.Sc. by research from University College Dublin, Ireland.

Quarkus, the Black Swan of Java, is getting more and more popularity for its unbeatable performance characteristics and its first rate Developer experience. With more than 700+ contributors to the main project, a rapidly expanding ecosystem with 500+ extensions, and a continuous stream of innovation, Quarkus is leading the way in the Kubernetes Native Java Application development space.
Whether you are a current Quarkus user, a future one, a contributor or just a curious mind, you are very much welcome to join us in this session with distinguished members of the Quarkus Development Team that are present at Devoxx.be. Help us shape its future by bringing your ideas about connecting Quarkus and AI or extending to the EDGE, discuss any pain points or the latest around Quarkus v3, find out how you can contribute, and pretty much Ask Us Anything.
It's also pretty much guaranteed that Stephan's GhatGPT generated schedule will assign the worst possible slot for this session, so to reward you, we'll have some nice stickers to give away 🙂
See you there!