Speaker Details

Max Rydahl Andersen
Red Hat

Max Rydahl Andersen is a Danish software engineer working in professional open-source software. He is currently working as a Distinguished Engineer at Red Hat and co-leading the Quarkus project. Before his current role, he worked as a manager and technical lead of OpenShift.io, JBoss Tools, and JBoss Developer Studio. He has been heavily involved in developer tooling and currently focuses on the developer experience around Kubernetes and OpenShift.

Max has made significant contributions to several core projects, including Hibernate/Hibernate Tools, WildFly, Seam, and Ceylon. He also led the team behind JBoss Tools and Red Hat Developer Studio in its first 10 years.

Co-hosts the Quarkus Insights podcast.

Cloud-native applications in Java are great, but… despite a fantastic ecosystem around Java, it falls short in containers, in comparison to Go or Node.js. The initial memory consumption, the startup time, and the optimizations for long-running processes are killer criteria in the cloud. Quarkus is a Kubernetes native Java stack tailored for GraalVM and OpenJDK. With Quarkus you can compile your application into a native executable, reduce the startup time to a few milliseconds, reduce the memory consumption to a few MB, and make applications ideally suited to run in containers. And with just a few lines of code Quarkus can invoke OpenAI to become a storyteller.
This workshop explores why it matters and how you can leverage Quarkus and GraalVM to build supersonic, subatomic, cloud-native applications.
In this workshop, you will learn how to:
  • Build Web applications with Quarkus
  • Use Hibernate and Hibernate with Panache
  • Build event-driven microservices with Apache Kafka
  • Monitor your applications
  • Prompt OpenAI with Semantic Kernel APIs
This is a hands-on experience, so please bring your own laptop with the following installed and configured on your laptop prior to the start:
  • Java 17
  • A working container runtime environment (Docker, Podman, Rancher Desktop, etc)
  • GraalVM 22.3, Java 17 version
  1. Linux - https://www.graalvm.org/docs/getting-started/linux
  2. Windows - https://www.graalvm.org/docs/getting-started/windows
  3. MacOS - https://www.graalvm.org/docs/getting-started/macos
  • An OpenAI account https://platform.openai.com
Ahead-of-time compilation with GraalVM Native Image is becoming more and more popular thanks to integrated support from all the leading application frameworks. Deployment in containers and on cloud, where reducing resource requirements is key to keeping costs down, is also driving adoption. On this panel we’ll bring together key members of the GraalVM, Spring Boot, Micronaut, Quarkus, and Helidon teams to dig into the state of native compilation, how frameworks have integrated it, remaining challenges, and where it goes from here.