Speaker Details

Sander Hoogendoorn

Sander is an independent dad and traveler, acclaimed developer, speaker, and writer. With over four decades of coding experience, he continues to be deeply involved in the field. Sander's expertise spans multiple industries, having served as a CTO at e-commerce iBOOD, software vendor ANVA, and insurer Klaverblad Verzekeringen. Before going freelance in 2015, Sander served as Capgemini's global agile thought leader.

Known for his insightful and provoking perspectives and agile mindset, Sander empowers organizations, teams, and individuals to challenge the status quo. He disrupts traditional approaches to work, technology, and code, advocating for small steps as the fastest path to progress.

As a prolific author, Sander has published books and numerous articles. His captivating and inspiring keynote talks at international conferences cover diverse topics such as disruption, culture, post-agile, continuous delivery, microteams, monads, software architecture, microservices, and the art of writing elegant code.

Above all, Sander believes that true problem-solving lies in critical thinking rather than relying solely on tools. With his thought-provoking insights, he inspires others to adopt a strategic and mindful approach to software and product development.

Since we started writing code in the fifties of the previous century, managers and project managers have tried to discipline and structure how we work. However, no matter how many consultants and coaches are hired to implement increasingly complex process frameworks and methodologies, developers and testers always develop new simplistic approaches.
During this inspirational keynote talk, Kim and Sander will deal with Flow: the worst software development methodology in history ever, taking inspiration from the worst principles and practices from methodologies such as waterfall, RUP, Scrum, Kanban, Lean, BDD, LeSS, SAFe, Spotify and of course everything continuous. Don’t let project failure take you by surprise, be sure!
Make sure not to miss this unique opportunity to take the Flow exam, and become a Flow Certified Resource too!