Speaker Details

Bert Jan Schrijver

Bert Jan is CTO at OpenValue and focuses on Java, software architecture, Continuous Delivery and DevOps. Bert Jan is a Java Champion, JavaOne Rock Star speaker, Duke's Choice Award winner and leads NLJUG, the Dutch Java User Group. He loves to share his experience by speaking at conferences, writing for the Dutch Java magazine and helping out Devoxx4Kids with teaching kids how to code. Bert Jan is easily reachable on Twitter at @bjschrijver.

The future of Java is you
For more than 28 years, Java has empowered developers to create the next generation of rich, scalable, and secure applications. It’s shaped the world we live in by offering new ways to address the ever-evolving technology landscape. But it's not just the technology that's kept Java so vibrant. That innovation is only possible because of you. In this panel session, meet some of the most recognized names in the Java community to learn how the developer ecosystem plays an important role in ensuring Java will remain relevant for the next 28 years and beyond.