Speaker Details

Victor Rentea

Victor is a Java Champion with two decades of experience, passionate about architecture, refactoring, and unit testing. He’s the founder of the world’s largest developer community on these topics: European Software Crafters. Today Victor helps companies throughout Europe raise the bar via consultancy and intense training workshops. You can find dozens of past conference talks, a blog, and his training offer on victorrentea.ro

Testing strategies for modern software architectures are evolving. As we transition from monolithic structures to team-sized microservices with crisp APIs aligned to bounded contexts, we encounter more stable testing surfaces. This shift leads many high-performing teams to favor integration tests over fine-grained, brittle unit tests. These integration tests, which are closer to the functional requirements, prove more trustworthy and are more resilient to internal refactoring, though they may come with a higher cost. In a vivid and engaging style, this talk addresses the primary challenges of integration testing in the microservices era: cognitive overload, test isolation, and test execution speed. Join the testing revolution and discover how to enhance your team's testing efficiency and effectiveness.
Testing is fundamental in software development. Quality gates demand high coverage levels, pull requests need sufficient tests, leading to teams spending considerable time writing and maintaining them. But are we using our tests to their full potential?
'If code is hard to test, the design can be improved'. Starting from this mantra, this deep-dive session unveils hints to simplify code, break-down complexity, and effectively use functional programming. We'll delve into topics like fixture creep, partial mocks, onion architecture, and pure functions, providing numerous best practices and practical tips for your testing.
Be warned: This session may significantly disrupt your work routine and will likely change how you see testing. Attend at your own risk.
Ready for a deep dive into the world's most challenging programming paradigm? Reactive programming can simplify asynchronous and event-driven applications, but without a strong understanding, it can lead to frustration, recurring patchwork, missed deadlines, and costly bugs.
In this intensive three-hour session, we'll transition a traditional Spring application to WebFlux, revealing patterns and anti-patterns when working with repositories, REST APIs, queues, and legacy libraries. You'll gain a clear understanding of often overlooked but critical aspects like subscribe signal, errors, cancellation, and signal loss. As a bonus, we'll debate the future of Reactive vs Virtual Threads, production-ready in Java 21.
This session is crucial for developers already working with reactive programming or those intending to make the leap.