Speaker Details

Sharat Chander
Oracle, Corp

Sharat Chander has worked in the IT industry for over 25 years for firms including Bell Atlantic, Verizon, Sun Microsystems, and Oracle. His background and technical specialty is in Java development tools, graphics design, and product/community management. Sharat has been actively involved in the Java community for over 20 years, helping drive greater Java awareness, acceptance, adoption, and advocacy. As Oracle’s senior director of Java Developer Engagement, Sharat served as the JavaOne conference content chairperson for 10 years, driven the technical content strategy and Java community involvement in multiple outreach channels, and continues to drive Java community loyalty program for Oracle. He is a frequent keynote speaker and participant in developer programs worldwide. Sharat holds a BS in corporate finance from the University of Maryland and an MBA in international business from Loyola College, Maryland. You can often find Sharat at global developer events and Java community meet-ups. When not growing visibility for Java, he follows his passion for baseball, actively coaching Little League teams and fanatically following his hometown Baltimore Orioles. You can find Sharat on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/Sharat_Chander

Ask the Java Architects
Conference (BEGINNER level)
Java 21 has now arrived. This release builds on the continuous innovation momentum since Java 10. It introduces advancements in Project Amber, Project Loom, Project Panama and many more areas. In this staple session at Devoxx Belgium, connect with Java luminaries from Oracle and have your Java questions addressed.
The future of Java is you
For more than 28 years, Java has empowered developers to create the next generation of rich, scalable, and secure applications. It’s shaped the world we live in by offering new ways to address the ever-evolving technology landscape. But it's not just the technology that's kept Java so vibrant. That innovation is only possible because of you. In this panel session, meet some of the most recognized names in the Java community to learn how the developer ecosystem plays an important role in ensuring Java will remain relevant for the next 28 years and beyond.
Moving Java Forward Together
Conference (BEGINNER level)
Modern application development is unrecognizable without Java. Rather than resting on our laurels, Oracle’s leadership continues to drive Java innovation forward. Equally important is Oracle's continuing stewardship of the Java ecosystem because without you, the community, Java doesn't move forward. The role you play is critical in ensuring Java's future for today as well as tomorrow and for the next decades ahead of us. In this session, you'll learn about the many ways YOU can help ensure Java remains the leading choice to build the future.