Speaker Details

Tom Cools
Info Support NV

Developer without borders, both geographically and technically. Active as a consultant with a focus on Java technologies.

Next to that I am a trainer and mentor who loves to share not only knowledge but also passion for our craft. I do this through mentorships (codingcoach.io), guiding students at my alma mater and organizing the Belgian Java User Group.

Recogized as a Java Champion.

Currently working for Info Support nv. in Mechelen, Belgium.

The future of Java is you
For more than 28 years, Java has empowered developers to create the next generation of rich, scalable, and secure applications. It’s shaped the world we live in by offering new ways to address the ever-evolving technology landscape. But it's not just the technology that's kept Java so vibrant. That innovation is only possible because of you. In this panel session, meet some of the most recognized names in the Java community to learn how the developer ecosystem plays an important role in ensuring Java will remain relevant for the next 28 years and beyond.
As a developer, you've been getting dependencies and applications from places like Maven Central, Homebrew and Chocolatey. Have you ever wondered how you can add your own creations to those packagers and repositories? Wouldn't that be cool?!? Anyone worldwide being able to install your CLI or use your library with the tools they already use?
In this talk, we'll show you just how fast and easy it can be to do just that! We'll show you practical examples, like sharing a CLI app through Homebrew or publishing your library on Maven Central while announcing it on social media, all using JReleaser! After this talk, you'll have learned exactly what this free Open Source tool has to offer and you'll know why we are so excited to tell you about it!
So strap on your jetpack and join us as we show you how to package, publish, release and announce your creations at the speed of light!